How Much Does it Cost to Travel in Barcelona?

Park in Barcelona with view of Sagrada Familia

Barcelona is a popular vacation spot for people from all around the world. It's beautiful, the people are friendly, and there are numerous attractions to visit, diverse food to try, and endless activities. It’s a truly beautiful, vibrant, and sleepless city. While not the cheapest destination, Barcelona is more affordable than you might think.

Make sure you know the cost of everything, how to avoid scams, the best places to buy food, and most importantly, remember to book your flight and accommodation in advance.

Note: It's better not to carry a lot of cash. Most places accept cards, and carrying cash can be unsafe.

Is Barcelona an Expensive City to Visit?

Travelers find Barcelona more affordable than some other European cities like Paris and London, but it's surely not cheap. You'll need about €60 to €120 a day in Barcelona, depending on your style of traveling. Essentially, whether Barcelona is expensive or not depends on where you are traveling from.

You can buy a Barcelona card that will give you discounts on various attractions. Factors like accommodation type, dining choices, and activities play a significant role in your overall budget.

  1. Peak seasons (summer and major holidays) are more expensive due to higher demand for flights and accommodation.

  2. Luxury hotels and centrally located apartments are pricier, while hostels and budget hotels are cheaper.

  3. Dining out at high-end restaurants can be costly, whereas tapas bars and local markets are more affordable.

  4. Many attractions have entry fees (e.g., Sagrada Família, Park Güell), but there are also free locations (Museum of Picasso)  and walking tours.

  5. Some additional costs like Souvenirs, nightlife, and unique experiences like flamenco shows or guided tours can add to your expenses.

Compared to some other cities, Barcelona offers good value for money, with reasonable prices for food, transportation, and entertainment. It's truly a worthwhile destination.

Read more about money in Barcelona.

Average Barcelona Trip Costs

Average Solo Traveler Cost a Day

Daily Cost: €60 - €120

  • Accommodation: €20 - €50

  • Food: €15 - €30

  • Transportation: €5 - €15 (Single fare: €2.40; T-10 ticket: €11.35)

  • Attractions: €20 - €40

  • Miscellaneous: €10 - €30

Average Couple’s Trip Cost a Day

Daily Cost: €100 - €200

  • Accommodation: €40 - €90

  • Food: €30 - €60

  • Transportation: €10 - €20 (Single fare: €2.40; T-10 ticket: €11.35)

  • Attractions: €20 - €40 (per person)

  • Miscellaneous: €15 - €40

Average Family Vacation Cost a Day

Daily Cost: €150 - €300

  • Accommodation: €50 - €120

  • Food: €40 - €80

  • Transportation: €15 - €30 (Single fare: €2.40; T-10 ticket: €11.35)

  • Attractions: €20 - €40 (per person; in some locations children’s ticket is free)

  • Miscellaneous: €25 - €50

Daily Cost of Budget Travel in Barcelona

Total Daily Cost: €60 - €90

  • Accommodation: €20 - €30 (Hostels or budget hotels)

  • Food: €15 - €20 (Street food, local markets, budget restaurants)

  • Transportation: €5 - €10 (Public transportation with T-10 ticket)

  • Attractions: €10 - €30 (Mix of free and paid attractions)

  • Miscellaneous: €10 - €20 (Souvenirs, small expenses)

Daily Cost of Luxury Travel in Barcelona

Total Daily Cost: €360 - €940

  • Accommodation: €150 - €500 (4-star or 5-star hotels)

  • Food: €50 - €100 (Fine dining, gourmet restaurants)

  • Transportation: €20 - €40 (Taxis, private transport)

  • Attractions: €40- €100 (Guided tours, exclusive experiences)

  • Miscellaneous: €100 - €200 (High-end shopping, premium services)

Note: These are just rough estimations. Make sure to plan out your expenses as much as you can before traveling to avoid unnecessary anxiety.

Independent Travel vs. Organized Tours

Both independent travel and organized tours have their advantages, and there is no definitive answer as to which one is better. It depends on your personal preferences. Independent travel to Barcelona can be more affordable but requires extensive planning. Poor planning can lead you to spend more since there might be a lot of hidden costs and entry fees that pop up. If you dislike researching and organizing, opting for an organized tour may be the better choice, as it provides convenience and a structured itinerary.

Independent TravelOrganized Tours
Flexibility🟢 High - Customize your itinerary🔴 Low - Predefined schedules
Cost🟠 Generally lower (realistic to be €60 to €120 a day)🔴 Generally higher (€100-€200 per day)
Planning Effort🔴 High - Requires thorough research and booking🟢 Low - Everything is pre-arranged
Local InteractionMore opportunities to interact with localsHigh - Professional guides and arranged transport
Convenience🔴 Lower - Self-navigation needed🟢 High - Professional guides and arranged transport
Unique Experiences🟠 High - Discover hidden gems🟠 Medium - Focus on popular tourist spots
Group Dynamics🟠 Solo or chosen companions🟠 Meet new people within the group

How Much is Accommodation in Barcelona?

Mapfre tower and hotel arts at port olympic Barcelona

Photo: Hotel Arts Barcelona

Average Cost per Night: €20 - €50

Popular Hostels:

  • Generator Barcelona: €30 - €45

  • Kabul Party Hostel: €25 - €40

  • St. Christopher's Inn: €25 - €35

Hotel Prices in Barcelona

Average Cost per Night: €100 - €300

  • 3-star hotels: €60 - €120

  • 4-star hotels: €100 - €200

  • 5-star hotels: €300 - €500

Recommended Hotels:

  • Hotel Jazz (3-star): €100 - €120

  • H10 Marina Barcelona (4-star): €150 - €200

  • Hotel Arts Barcelona (5-star): €400 - €600

Short-term Rentals and Apartments in Barcelona

Average Cost per Night: €80 - €200

Popular Rental Platforms:

  • Airbnb: €80 - €200

  • Vrbo: €90 - €180

  • €100 - €200

Transportation Costs in Barcelona

Train station in Barcelona with two trains waiting

Flight Costs to Barcelona

Average Airfare from Major Cities:

  • New York: €400 - €700

  • London: €50 - €150

  • Sydney: €800 - €1,200

Note: Fly mid-week or during off-peak seasons and use flight comparison websites.

Public Transportation Cost in Barcelona

  • Metro, Buses, and Trams:

    • Single fare: €2.40

    • T-10 ticket: €10.20

  • Daily and Weekly Travel Passes:

    • Hola BCN! (2-5 days): €16.30 - €38.00

  • NitBus (Night Bus):

Taxi and Ride-Sharing Costs

Average Fare for Common Routes:

  • City center to airport: €30 - €35

  • Short city trips: €8 - €15

Note: Use ride-sharing apps (Uber, Cabify) for cheaper and fixed prices.

Bicing (Public Bicycle Rental System)

  • Casual ticket: €5 for 24 hours (unlimited 30-minute rides within a 2-hour period)

  • Subscription: €47/year or €35/6 months (unlimited 30-minute rides with no time limit between rentals)

How Much Does Food Cost in Barcelona?

Dining Out

Average Cost of Meals:

  • Budget: €8 - €15 per meal

  • Mid-Range: €20 - €35 per meal

  • High-End: €50 - €100+ per meal

Note: Breakfast is usually cheaper than lunch or dinner. Try Tapas - a popular and budget-friendly way to try different dishes. Tapas are small portions of various dishes, perfect for sharing.


  • Bar del Pla: Cozy spot offering a variety of tapas and local wines.

  • El Xampanyet: Traditional tapas bar with a lively atmosphere.

  • Cerveseria Catalana: Renowned for its extensive tapas menu and vibrant setting.

  • Ciudad Condal: Popular for its mix of tapas and classic Spanish dishes.

  • Tickets: Avant-garde tapas with a unique dining experience.

  • Lasarte: High-end restaurant with a focus on modern cuisine.

Grocery Shopping

Average Cost of Groceries: €30 - €50 per week

Local Markets:

  • La Boqueria: Famous market offering a wide range of fresh produce.

  • Santa Caterina Market: Known for its fresh vegetables, fruits, and meats.

Example Prices:

  • Fruits: €2 - €4 per kilogram (depending on the type of fruit)

  • Rice: €1 - €2 per kilogram

  • Pasta: €1 - €2 per kilogram

  • Eggs: €2 - €3 per dozen

  • Chicken: €6 - €8 per kilogram

  • Cheese: €4 - €8 per kilogram (depending on the type)

  • Bottled water: €0.50 - €1 per liter

Note: Shop at local markets for the freshest and cheapest produce, buy seasonal produce and cook meals at your accommodation to cut down on dining costs.

Entertainment Cost in Barcelona

View of Park Guell entrance and iconic art

Barcelona Attraction and Museum Prices

Entry Fees for Popular Attractions

  • Sagrada Família: €26 - €33

  • Park Güell: €10

  • Casa Batlló: €25 - €35

  • Picasso Museum: €12

  • Casa Vicens: €16

  • Barcelona Zoo: €21.40

  • Aquarium Barcelona: €21

Note: Prices of attractions can fluctuate slightly depending on the season and ticket options.

Discount Passes

  • Barcelona Card: €45 - €60 (includes free public transport and entry to multiple attractions; some attractions may not be included)

  • Go City Explorer Pass: €49 - €119 (customizable based on selected attractions; offers flexibility but check included sites)

Note: Double-check the specific attractions included in each pass, as these can change.

Nightlife Costs

Average Cost of Club Entry and Events: €10 - €20

Cost of Theatre, Concerts, and Other Entertainment Options:

  • Theatre Shows: €20 - €50

  • Concerts: €30 - €80

  • Flamenco Shows: €25 - €45 (Ticket prices can vary depending on the venue, time of day, and whether you include a meal or drink.)

Note: Botellón is an Informal gathering for drinking in public spaces, often free or very cheap, but be mindful of local regulations and safety issues.

Cost of Alcohol in Barcelona

Nevermind bar in Barcelona

Photo: Nevermind bar

Average Cost of Drinks at Bars and Clubs:

  • Beer: €3 - €5

  • Wine: €4 - €7 per glass

  • Cocktails: €8 - €12

Note: Prices can vary depending on the location, with tourist areas being more expensive.

Recommendations for Budget-Friendly Bars:

  • L'Ovella Negra: Popular bar with affordable drinks.

  • El Raval: Neighborhood known for its budget-friendly bars and vibrant atmosphere.

  • Nevermind: Skater bar offering cheap drinks and a lively vibe.

Cost of Water in Barcelona

Man drinking water at Fuente de la Portaferrissa

Photo: Fuente de la Portaferrissa

Bottled water in Barcelona costs €0.5 - €1 per bottle. However, you can drink tap water. It’s safe to drink, but some people find it has a slightly different taste.

If you don’t find the taste weird, you can carry a reusable water bottle and refill it with tap water. Feel free to use public fountains available throughout the city.

Note: If you decide to buy water, purchase bottled water in bulk from supermarkets for better prices.

Tips Culture in Barcelona - How Much Should You Tip?

Tipping in Barcelona is generally not as customary as in some other countries, but it's appreciated for good service.

  • In restaurants, leaving a tip of 5-10% of the bill is common.

  • For hotels, a small tip (€1-€2) for porters and housekeeping is appreciated.

  • For guided tours, tipping €5-€10 per person is a good practice.

How to Avoid Scams in Barcelona

In Barcelona, it's essential to be aware of common scams to avoid unnecessary expenses. Pickpocketing is prevalent in crowded tourist areas, so keep your belongings secure. Be cautious of people approaching you with fake petitions or distractions, as these can be tactics to steal your valuables. Overpriced taxis can also be an issue, so always use licensed taxis or ride-sharing apps.

One prevalent scam involves restaurant "tricks" where you might receive a menu without prices or in English with inflated costs, sometimes up to ten times the normal price. Simple items like a Coke and sandwich can end up costing €50. Some vendors on the beach might sell overpriced items such as water or towels for as much as €30.

ALWAYS confirm prices beforehand and be wary of suspiciously high prices in tourist areas.

Prepare for unforeseen expenses such as lost items or minor theft and set aside an emergency fund of €50-€100. For more protection, purchase travel insurance that covers theft and loss.

Note: Scammers are always trying to come up with something new, so just stay away from any suspicious situations. Better be safe than sorry.

Unexpected Travel Costs to Keep in Mind

When planning your budget for Barcelona, don’t forget additional expenses beyond the usual categories. Souvenirs and shopping can add up, especially if you're purchasing gifts or local crafts. Factor in the cost of souvenirs like Gaudi-themed items, local delicacies, or clothing.

Buying Affordable Souvenirs

There are plenty of affordable souvenir and gift stores in Barcelona. While touristy areas might have pricier options, you can find great deals if you explore a bit. Local markets like La Boqueria, Encants Vells, and Sant Antoni Market have unique and affordable souvenirs. In neighborhoods like El Raval and Gràcia you can find many small, independent shops that have a variety of affordable goods. Consider edible souvenirs - Spanish delicacies like jamón ibérico, olives, or chocolates make great gifts and can be found at affordable prices. Supermarkets like Mercadona or Carrefour often have a selection of affordable, locally-made products like wine, olive oil, and snacks.

Note: Personal expenses, such as laundry, toiletries, and phone charges, might not seem significant but can accumulate over time. It’s wise to have an emergency fund of €50-€100 for unforeseen expenses such as minor health issues, extra transport costs, or hidden fees. It’s better to have some money left over than to run out of the budget ahead of time.


The cost of traveling to Barcelona depends on your travel style. Some travelers prefer to save on accommodation by staying in hostels. This way, they can allocate more of their budget to attractions, food, and comfortable transportation. Others might prioritize staying in comfortable hotels with great views, even if it means visiting fewer places. Regardless of your preferences, having a rough idea of your budget helps ensure you fully experience Barcelona. Remember, it’s not about spending the most, but experiencing the city; even walking through its streets can be a fantastic adventure.

Additional Tip: Don’t miss out on the free walking tours available in the city; they’re a great way to learn about Barcelona’s history and culture while staying on budget.

Barcelona is a city of endless discovery. Each neighborhood tells its own story and hidden gems await around every corner. You don’t need a crazy budget to enjoy yourself. For more information about traveling in Barcelona, attractions, weather, and tips and tricks, visit BarcaTrips.


How much does a weekend trip to Barcelona cost?

A weekend trip to Barcelona costs around €180-€400, depending on accommodation, dining, and activities.

How much does a 5-day trip to Barcelona cost?

A five-day trip to Barcelona costs approximately €300-€750, covering mid-range accommodation, meals, and attractions.

How much does a 1-week trip to Barcelona cost?

A one-week trip to Barcelona costs about €420-€1,050, factoring in accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment.

Is Barcelona cheaper than Paris?

Yes, Barcelona is generally cheaper than Paris. Accommodation, dining, and transportation costs in Barcelona are often more affordable compared to Paris.

How much cash do I need for 2 weeks in Spain?

For a two-week trip in Spain, having around €300 to €500 in cash for small purchases, tips, and emergencies is advisable. Most transactions can be done with a card.

Is it better to use cash or card in Barcelona?

Using a card is generally better in Barcelona to avoid theft, as most places accept credit and debit cards. However, having some cash on hand is useful for small vendors, tips, and emergencies.

What are the cheapest months to visit Barcelona?

The cheapest months to visit Barcelona are typically from November to March, excluding the holiday season. During these months, you can find lower prices on flights and accommodations.